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On 7.06.2010 0 komentar

Siapkan barang-barang berikut ini:
1.Microsoft Windows XP/Vista CD/DVD
2.USB Flashdisk kapasitas 2 GB lebih
3.Koneksi internet yang lumayan cepat (broadband)
4.CD/DVD buat ngeburn pastinya.
5.WinBuild software, Tools penting buat bikin LiveCD.

*Download the WinBuild Here(It’s just 834KBs!!!)
*Extract the file and copy it to a ‘New Folder’(Recommended requierd space is 2GB)
*Unpack and Run Winbuilder(no installation required!!!)

1.The first screen of WinBuilder gives you the brief explanation on how to use this magnificent program. You can read all the necessary instructions here. Press on the “Download” tab to proceed further.

2.This is the download screen of WinBuilder were you need to select required tools, drivers and other crusial applications required for a live CD/USB. As you can see in the screen shot you need to select one option from the three(‘Recommended’ or ‘Complete’ or ‘Minimum’) options in the drop down menu. You can further remove from the list which shows just below these three options.

3.After selecting required option,press ‘Download’ button which is located just below the left side pane. Time required to download depends on what optins you have selected in the left side pane just before. Download size is around 40 MB.

4.The next one is ‘Scripts’ tab.Once again you will see a list of options on the left pane of the wizard. Here, check the ‘VistaPE MUltiboot’/XP option and expand the tree further.

5.Expand the tree named ‘Applications’.In this option, you will see all the available sections of applications,which you can add to your live Vista/XP CD/USB.

6.Next screen is ‘Finalize’ option. It might take few minutes to build the live media.If you like to create live CD select the ‘Create ISO’ option and provide the label for the CD.

7.Suppose, if you planning to make a bootable USB drive, then select the ‘Copy to USB device’

8.Click on the ‘Paths’ tab, and provide the path of the USB drive, which has the Windows Vista/XP DVD in the source directory filed and click on the ‘Play’ button.

9.Extraction process takes place. Wait for a minute.
Wait for few seconds to see you. Burn the ISO to get your dream live Windows

10.Now,your bootable USB/CD is ready.

11.Insert the CD/USB and kick start the your own windows live!!!
(Will add more screen shots soon)
Note: Make sure your system supports ‘booting from the USB’ before creating the live USB.
Under vista you will need to disable the UAC (User Account Control)

This is not Original OprekWindows' Authors Article
Source : Click Here

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