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On 12.29.2007 0 komentar

Ini ada sebuah program security bagus.  Udah lawas sebenernya, maaf ya kalau baru di publish sekarang.  Sebelum mendownload, baca dulu apakah memang kamu perlu program ini? Maaf ya belum sempet diterjemahkan ke B. Indo, karena saya yakin temen-temen ga kesulitan sama Bahasa Inggris...^^

When you're outside of a domain environment, XP has some features missing. XP Home leaves you completely without the Group Policy Editor, while XP Pro lacks the ability to use the Group Policy Editor to selectively apply policies to specific users. Well, that's about to change.

Doug's Windows XP Security Console allows you to assign various restrictions to specific users, whether you're running XP Pro or XP Home.

The unlicensed version will allow you to apply a number of user specific settings, while logged on to that user's Desktop. Licensing entitles you to preferred support. With the licensed version, you can load another user's profile, make the desired changes, and save them. WITHOUT HAVING TO LOG ON to their Desktop. You can also create a set of "Default" settings and save them for future use.  Only one user profile, either the currently logged on user, or a "loaded" user profile, can be loaded at one time. However, with the licensed version, you can create a "default" set of settings and quickly apply them to other user profiles.

All but one of the settings that can be changed are "per-user" settings. The setting to disallow Shutdown without Logon is machine wide. More settings and features will be added in future releases, if there is enough support for this utility. 

Usage: Download Windows XP Security Console. Double click the ZIP file you downloaded and extract the contents to your hard disk. The EXE and CHM (Help) file need to be in the same folder. There is no uninstaller, but be advised, any restrictions that have been put in place will remain in place, even if you delete the application. So, if you're going to remove the application, make sure that you change any settings that you want to, before you remove it. For additional security, this utility and its help file are small enough to fit on a floppy disk. Extract the files to a floppy, run the utility from there, change the settings you wish, then put the floppy away somewhere safe.

Download (510KB):



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