Tanggapan untuk artikel "feature readyboost ala XP":
Comment to "Running Readyboost Feature on Windows XP" article:
"Apakah benar mekanisme dari Readyboost di Vista sesederhana itu? Kalau cuma itu, berarti cuma memidahkan swap file doang? Berarti kita ditipu Microsoft donk! Itu kan sama saja cuma mindahin Swap File dari harddisk ke flashdisk..."
Does the mechanism of Readyboost feature just like that? That's very simple concept.. So I can said, "the readyboost feature is just moving the swap file from harddisk to memory flash?"
Untuk lebih mengetahui apa itu fitur readyboost, seperti yang saya kutip dari Wikipedia, maka penjelasan yang saya dapat adalah seperti ini:
This is an ecplain about Windows Vista Readyboost feature from Wikipedia:
ReadyBoost is a disk caching technology first included with Microsoft's Windows Vista operating system. It aims to make computers running Windows Vista more responsive by using flash memory on a USB 2.0 drive, SD card, CompactFlash, or other form of flash memory, in order to boost system performance.
ReadyBoost is also used to facilitate SuperFetch, an updated version of Windows XP's prefetcher which performs analysis of boot-time disk usage patterns and creates a cache which is used in subsequent system boots
"Readyboost adalah sebuah teknologi "disk caching" yang pertama kali diikutsertakan pada Windows Vista. Fitur ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan responsif dari sebuah PC yang menggunakan Windows Vista dengan menggunakan media Flash Memory, seperti USB Drive 2.0, SD Card, CF, dan memori flash lainnya."
Dan dari situs resmi Microsoft, saya dapatkan yang seperti ini:
Windows Vista introduces Windows ReadyBoost, a new concept in adding memory to a system. You can use non-volatile flash memory, such as that on a universal serial bus (USB) flash drive, to improve performance without having to add additional memory "under the hood."
The flash memory device serves as an additional memory cache—that is, memory that the computer can access much more quickly than it can access data on the hard drive. Windows ReadyBoost relies on the intelligent memory management of Windows SuperFetch and can significantly improve system responsiveness.
Syarat media Readyboost:
For a device to be compatible and useful it must conform to the following requirements:
- The capacity of the removable media must be at least 256 MB (250 after formatting)
- Devices larger than 4 GB will have only 4 GB used for ReadyBoost
- The device should have an access time of 1ms or less
- The device must be capable of 2.5 MB/s read speeds for 4 KB random reads spread uniformly across the entire device and 1.75 MB/s write speeds for 512 KB random writes spread uniformly across the device
- The device must have at least 235 MB of free space
- NTFS and FAT32 are supported
- The initial release of ReadyBoost supports one device
- The recommended amount of memory to use for Windows ReadyBoost acceleration is one to three times the amount of random access memory (RAM) installed in your computer
Mengapa penggunaan kartu flash memory atau USB Drive 2.0 menjadi pilihan Microsoft? Sebenarnya mekanismenya sederhana saja, Flash Memory yang disyaratkan oleh Windows Vista untuk menjalankan fitur redyboost memiliki kecepatan baca tulis delapan hingga sepuluh kali lebih cepat dibandingkan harddisk konvensional. Dalam fitor Readyboost, Windows akan memindahkan memori cache di harddisk ke Memory Flash yang memiliki kecepatan hingga delapan sampai sepuluh kali lebih cepat. Dan diharakan dapat meningkatkan performa..
Semoga bermanfaat...^^
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